Partner Overview

MELP is an employee engagement, communication, and benefits platform that helps improve Employee retention in mid- to large companies. Its all-in-one app includes personalized benefits in an international marketplace with thousands of items for employees and insightful analytics that help manage and reduce company costs for compensation and benefits.

Key features:

  • Recognition and Rewards programme
  • Communication, surveys and feedback
  • Personalized flexible benefits
  • International marketplace of gift vouchers
  • Easy Employee benefit administration

MELP’s integration with HiBob helps customers streamline HR processes by seamlessly transferring employee and company data from HiBob to the MELP system. This efficient data transfer not only saves valuable time for HR professionals but also empowers MELP to automate various tasks associated with engagement, communication, and benefit administration.

How it works:

The integration between the HiBob system and Melp follows a one-sided sync approach, where data is transferred from HiBob to Melp. The integration operates on the principle of syncing data at regular intervals of every 1 hour. Any updates or changes made in the HiBob system, such as employee information, and company organization changes are automatically synchronized and transferred to Melp. By maintaining this seamless and periodic data transfer, the integration ensures that Melp remains up-to-date with the latest information from HiBob, enabling HR specialists to effectively leverage Melp’s capabilities for tasks like engagement, communication, and benefit administration.

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