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The impact of onboarding

A company’s onboarding process directly affects employee inclusion and retention. Our research found that 64% of employees are driven to leave a job after a bad onboarding experience. We learned that new joiners are looking for a clear, personalized process that offers organic opportunities for getting to know coworkers.

  • Inc.com (19M): How to Prevent Bad Onboarding So Great Hires Don’t Leave You
  • Onboarding needs to be professional, but it also needs to be human. Think about how you would feel and what you’d want in a new place, and then make a conscious effort to be warm, helpful and patient. Once the new hire feels comfortable and lets their guard down through your effort, they’ll be able to learn and perform whatever you need them to.
  • “HiBob’s survey showed that about half of new hires (49 percent) feel the best way to get acclimated to a new job is by making friends, which can or cannot work out with an assigned buddy. Give new employees the opportunity to meet several of the colleagues they will be working with, and they will naturally find someone or a few people they connect with and will feel comfortable talking to when they have questions.”

Attitudes towards HR

How do employees really feel about their HR leaders? Shockingly, 48% of the workforce is indifferent about the role of HR in their company, and 18% believe that HR takes away from their overall experience at work. However, there’s still hope, since 70% of people also believe HR can do a better job of fostering culture.

  • HR Technologist (66K): New Survey From Workplace Collaboration Platform, HiBob Reveals Employees Feel HR Teams Are Ineffective
  • As companies grow and the world of work continues to transform, it is imperative for business leaders to focus on creating strong cultural foundations. The majority of people surveyed (77%) said that corporate culture is extremely important, and 70% also believe HR can do a better job of fostering it.
  • “When managers view their team members as unique people with distinctive experiences, rather than as numbers or ID cards, they can make more informed decisions about their teams or tribes that will not only work well for their group but also benefit the organization as a whole. HR teams have a lot of work to do before they fully gain employee trust, but with the right data and tools, they can work closely with managers to become cultural leaders.”

The connection between company culture and burnout

Our data showed that the top indicator for strong company culture is employee burnout. We discovered that 69% of job candidates will reconsider an offer if current employees do not seem happy in their roles, as burnout trumps salary in most cases. Potential candidates tend to look to a company’s social media and online reviews to determine corporate culture.

  • Forbes (108M): The Secrets To Keeping Employees Engaged And Productive
  • Turns out, a high salary isn’t enough to attract or retain employees. In today’s competitive job market, companies have to go above and beyond to create and maintain a work environment that keeps people engaged, happy and productive. A recent survey conducted by HiBob showed that 69% of job candidates will reconsider an offer if current employees do not seem happy in their roles.
  • “Poor culture and employee dissatisfaction are driving away more than two-thirds of candidates. While popular trends in perks have come and gone, culture and opportunity are key drivers of employee happiness and support collaboration and productivity.”

The holiday period is a test to company culture and HR policy

Our survey set out to understand employee habits and productivity during the holiday season. According to the results, 70% of people shop for gifts at work and ⅓ of workers are distracted. Company holiday policy flexibility has a clear correlation with overall job satisfaction since many people want to take time off and others will have to compensate for their absence. However, across the board, it was clear that employees still want the office to be festive and encourage celebration.

  • HR Technologist (66.80K): 70% of People Shop for Gifts at Work & One-Third of Workers Are Distracted During the Holiday Season, Reveals HiBob
  • Overall, a company’s holiday policy – which is a combination of activities including decorating the office, hosting holiday parties, and whether or not flex time is offered – has a strong impact on employees’ job satisfaction; the more flexible a company policy is by giving employees the ability to take time off or work remotely, the more satisfied employees will be.
  • “At HiBob, we believe that companies must take a people-first approach to their business. While this should be a 365 day a year mentality, it’s never more top of mind for your employees than during the holidays.”

Zoe Haimovitch

From Zoe Haimovitch

Zoe is a passionate manager and leader. Together with her team, she builds our brand story. She loves to connect with people who are passionate about what they do, speak candidly, and are authentic and willing to work together.