Employee enablement means empowering employees with the tools, resources, and knowledge they need to do their jobs effectively and reach their full potential. 

It can have a positive impact on an organization and its performance—as well as its profits.

Why is employee enablement important?

Employee enablement is important because it can have such a powerful effect on a business. 

If it’s ignored, then employees won’t be able to work effectively. They’ll feel frustrated and may be more likely to resign.

But if it’s promoted, then it can bring a number of benefits, including:

  • Increased productivity. When employees have the resources they need to do their jobs, they’re more productive and deliver higher-quality work.
  • Boosted revenue. Because employee enablement improves performance, it naturally leads to an increase in revenue. In fact, the combination of employee engagement and enablement results in a 4.5x increase in revenue.
  • Innovation. In a workplace that promotes employee enablement, employees are encouraged to make their own decisions, contribute their ideas, and communicate openly. This leads to greater innovation that helps the company grow. 
  • Retention and talent attraction. Companies that enable employees have greater employee satisfaction and higher retention rates. Plus, they’re also more likely to attract top talent.

How do you measure employee enablement?

One of the best ways to measure employee enablement is to use employee surveys. Gathering feedback with regular surveys can provide insights as to whether or not your business is on the right track when it comes to employee enablement.

You can also use metrics like productivity, work quality, and retention rates as indicators for employee enablement. 

How do you improve employee enablement?

You can improve employee enablement by:

  • Establishing clear expectations. Clearly communicate job expectations, goals, and objectives to employees. This clarity helps them understand their roles and responsibilities, so they can meet those expectations. 
  • Asking what employees need. Ask what employees need to be able to do their jobs, or what could help them perform better—and provide it to them. 
  • Providing training and development. Help employees grow their skills through development programs, workshops, and coaching. 
  • Encouraging open communication. Create a culture that encourages open communication, feedback, and collaboration. That way, employees feel valued and more comfortable with sharing their suggestions to help the company improve. 
  • Empowering employees. Promoting employee empowerment also improves employee enablement. You can do this by showing employees that you trust them and their abilities. Give them the chance to take on greater responsibilities and the authority to make decisions related to their work. 

What is the difference between employee enablement and engagement?

Employee engagement focuses on creating a positive and fulfilling employee experience that helps employees feel motivated to do their best at work. 

Employee enablement, on the other hand, is about providing employees with the practical tools and resources they need to carry out their work effectively. 

Even though employee enablement and engagement are different, both are needed for the best results.

How can HR tech help with employee enablement?

HR technology can make it easier to promote employee enablement. There are a number of tools you can use to help:

  • Employee enablement platform. Some HR software comes with digital employee enablement tools, like metric analysis and training resources, that help you ensure that your employees have everything they need to perform at their best.
  • Learning management system. Use a learning management system (LMS) to give employees easy access to training materials and professional development resources. This helps them to be more effective in their work by growing their skillsets. 
  • Performance management system. There’s a close link between employee enablement and performance. Measuring employee performance with a performance management system, combined with other methods, can be a good way to assess employee enablement. 
  • Collaboration and communication tools. Tools such as project management platforms, instant messaging apps, and intranet portals make it easy for people to work together, communicate, and share knowledge—enabling employees to work better.
  • Employee feedback tools. Feedback platforms make it easy for employees to let you know what’s going well and what needs improvement, so you know exactly what to do to improve the situation.

Creating an employee enablement strategy is a powerful way to change your organization for the better. By focusing on it, you’ll improve performance, retention rates, and profits. And by combining it with employee engagement strategies, you’ll have a workplace that brings out the best in everyone.