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Employee management software is an integrative tech system that assists in tracking, monitoring, recruiting, hiring, and communicating with employees. Usually, cloud-based employee management software aids HR professionals in overseeing every step of the employee lifecycle, providing a variety of automated services such as:

Why should HR leaders care about employee management software?

Employee management software offers a cost-effective way to:

  • Streamline HR processes 
  • Maintain accuracy and efficiency while reducing human error
  • Boost understanding of and compliance with company policies
  • Increase retention and engagement through, for example, surveys, communication, online community building

Employee management software functions as HR’s co-captain, preserving a high-level efficiency in HR processes to elevate work performance and the employee experience.  

What can HR leaders do to implement employee management software effectively?

HR leaders must maintain a full-court vision of all team players: HR colleagues, executives, managers, and employees– to successfully incorporate employee management software. The following practices can promote a smooth software integration process:

  • Identify company needs. Address the company needs by asking fundamental questions such as: How many employees are in the business? Are they remote or on-site? Is the workforce multi-generational, and if so, how tech-savvy are they? Do employees have access to a computer or phone during the workday? Leaders should focus on the software options that satisfy staff requirements.   
  • Determine short and long-term objectives. HR leaders can establish goals by building a realistic timeline that takes setbacks into account, determining the ROI measurement methods, and creating a persuasive narrative that explains why the organization is adopting the employee management software. 
  • Make it a team effort. Addressing the various needs of people from different departments and tiers can promote engagement. For example, while senior-level individuals want to know the business benefits and financial returns, HR teammates want to understand how the software can simplify their HR functions. 
  • Plan and train. HR leaders can integrate a change management model to facilitate an effective transition period for employees. Offering different training formats such as in-person learning, recorded videos, lunch-and-learning, and webinars, gives employees various opportunities to absorb the information. HR leaders can also hire training professionals to help employees overcome steep learning curves.  
  • Introduce the software and its benefits. Explain and teach employees how the new tech will enhance their experience and familiarize personnel with the software in advance. Easing employees into the new system can instill them with greater confidence in their ability to adapt. 

How can employee management software improve company culture?

While undoubtedly there will be obstacles, overall, a good employee management software enables the fluid facilitation of HR processes so organizations can demonstrate high-performance work and greater productivity. Using the software can also encourage consistent communication among employees and managers, contributing to a tight-knit community and a unified company culture.