For employers that include healthcare in their severance packages, When offers a novel healthcare severance alternative to subsidizing COBRA. When significantly mitigates the risk of high claims while dramatically cutting healthcare costs related to continuation coverage.
Whether an employer provides COBRA subsidies or not, When’s platform is designed to streamline exits for employers (and 3rd party partners).
The When platform makes it easy to manage and track either one or multiple exits. Additionally, When provides exiting employees with a personalized post-employment portal that includes an AI-driven health insurance marketplace and access to a 24/7 bilingual call center with licensed agents.
Key Features:
- AI health insurance purchasing solution
- Cobra Alternatives
- Robust offboarding tools for HR teams
- Soft landing for employees
With When’s integration with HiBob, employers can save millions of dollars in COBRA claims while providing employees more choice and flexibility for health insurance options upon exit.
How the integration works:
One-way data flow from HiBob to When retrieving termination data from HiBob into the When platform.
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